Weed is becoming more widely accepted and legalized in many states and countries, but that doesn’t mean you can travel with it without any risks or precautions. Whether you use weed for medical or recreational purposes, you might want to bring some with you when you travel, but you also want to avoid getting into trouble with the law or attracting unwanted attention. In this article, we will answer some common questions about traveling with weed and offer some tips and tricks to help you do it discreetly and safely.
What happens if the TSA finds weed in checked luggage?
TSA is a federal agency that oversees airport security and flights. Since weed is still illegal under federal law, TSA prohibits traveling with any amount of weed or any products containing THC, the psychoactive compound in weed. If the TSA finds weed in your checked luggage, they will refer the matter to a law enforcement officer, who will decide what to do based on the local laws and regulations. Depending on where you are flying from and to, you might face different consequences, such as:
- Confiscation of your weed and a warning
- A fine or a citation
- Arrest and prosecution
To avoid this scenario, it is best to avoid packing any weed in your checked luggage. Instead, you can try to bring some in your carry-on bag, which has a lower chance of being searched by the TSA. However, this is still risky and not recommended.
How much weed can you legally bring on a plane?
The answer to this question depends on where you are flying from and to. Some states and countries have legalized weed for medical or recreational use, while others have not. Even if weed is legal in both your origin and destination, it is still illegal to cross state or national borders with it. Therefore, there is no definitive answer to how much weed you can legally bring on a plane. However, some general guidelines are:
- If you are flying within a state where weed is legal for recreational use, such as California or Colorado, you can bring up to one ounce of weed or eight grams of concentrate per person2. However, this does not guarantee that TSA or local authorities will not confiscate your weed or take action against you.
- If you are flying within a state where weed is legal for medical use only, such as Arizona or Florida, you can bring up to the amount allowed by your medical marijuana card or prescription3. However, you must also have valid documentation and proof of your medical condition and authorization.
- If you are flying between states or countries where weed is legal for either medical or recreational use, such as from Canada to Mexico or from Oregon to Massachusetts, you cannot bring any amount of weed legally. This is because crossing borders with weed violates federal law and international treaties. You might face serious penalties if you are caught with weed at customs or immigration.
- If you are flying between states or countries where weed is illegal for any purpose, such as from Texas to Alabama or from China to Japan, you cannot bring any amount of weed legally. This is because possessing or transporting weed violates local laws and regulations. You might face severe consequences if you are caught with weed by law enforcement.
The bottom line is that flying with weed is always risky and not advisable. The safest option is to leave your weed at home and buy some at your destination if it is legal there. Alternatively, you can try some other methods of discreetly traveling with weed that we will discuss later.
What happens if you get caught with edibles?
Edibles are food products that contain THC or CBD, such as cookies, brownies, gummies, chocolates, or drinks. Edibles are a popular way of consuming weed because they are discreet, tasty, and potent. However, edibles are also subject to the same laws and regulations as other forms of weed when it comes to traveling with them.
If you get caught with edibles by TSA or law enforcement while traveling by plane, car, train, bus, or boat, you might face different outcomes depending on the local laws and the discretion of the officer. Some possible scenarios are:
- Confiscation of your edibles and a warning
- A fine or a citation
- Arrest and prosecution
To avoid this situation, it is best to avoid bringing any edibles with you when you travel by plane, car, train, bus, or boat. Instead, you can try to buy some at your destination if it is legal there. Alternatively, you can try some other methods of discreetly traveling with edibles that we will discuss later.
Flying with weed internationally Reddit
Flying with weed internationally is a very risky and not advisable thing to do. Weed is illegal in most countries around the world, and some have very harsh penalties for possession or trafficking of any amount of weed or any products containing THC. You might face imprisonment, deportation, fines, or even the death penalty if you are caught with weed by customs or law enforcement in some countries.
If you are curious about the experiences of other people who have tried to fly with weed internationally, you can check out some Reddit threads where they share their stories and advice. However, keep in mind that these are anecdotal and not reliable sources of information. You should always do your research and follow the laws and regulations of the countries you are traveling to and from.
Some Reddit threads you can check out are:
- I flew internationally with weed
- Flying internationally with edibles
- Flying internationally with THC oil cartridges

Edibles in carry-on or checked bag Reddit
If you decide to take the risk and fly with edibles domestically within a state where weed is legal for recreational use, you might wonder whether it is better to pack them in your carry-on or checked bag. The answer is not clear-cut, as there are pros and cons to both options.
Some pros of packing edibles in your carry-on bag are:
- You have more control over your bag and can access it if needed
- You can avoid potential damage or theft of your edibles by baggage handlers
- You can avoid potential delays or loss of your bag by airlines
Some cons of packing edibles in your carry-on bag are:
- You have a higher chance of being searched by TSA or law enforcement
- You have to follow the TSA rules for liquids and gels if your edibles are in those forms
- You have to be discreet and not draw attention to yourself or your bag
Some pros of packing edibles in your checked bag are:
- You have a lower chance of being searched by TSA or law enforcement
- You don’t have to follow the TSA rules for liquids and gels if your edibles are in those forms
- You don’t have to worry about hiding or concealing your edibles
Some cons of packing edibles in your checked bag are:
- You have less control over your bag and can’t access it if needed
- You risk potential damage or theft of your edibles by baggage handlers
- You risk potential delays or loss of your bag by airlines
Ultimately, the choice is up to you and depends on your personal preference and risk tolerance. However, some general tips are:
- Pack your edibles in an inconspicuous container that doesn’t look like weed or have any labels or logos that indicate weed
- Pack your edibles in a sealed plastic bag or wrap them in foil to prevent any smell or leakage
- Pack your edibles among other food items or toiletries that look similar or blend in
- Pack your edibles in small amounts that don’t exceed the legal limit for personal use
You can also check out some Reddit threads where people share their experiences and advice on flying with edibles in carry-on or checked bags. However, keep in mind that these are anecdotal and not reliable sources of information. You should always do your research and follow the laws and regulations of the states you are traveling to and from.
Some Reddit threads you can check out are:
- Edibles: Carry-on vs Checked Bag
- Edibles: Carry-on vs Checked Baggage
- Edible Gummies: Carry-on vs Checked Bag
Can you fly with weed in the US?
The answer to this question is technically no, but practically maybe. Weed is still illegal under federal law, which means that flying with weed across state lines or within federal airspace is prohibited. However, some states have legalized weed for medical or recreational use, which means that flying with weed within those states might be possible under certain conditions.
The main factor that determines whether you can fly with weed in the US is the TSA policy. TSA is a federal agency that oversees airport security and flights. According to TSA guidelines, “TSA security officers do not search for marijuana or other illegal drugs, but if any illegal substance is discovered during security screening, TSA will refer the matter to a law enforcement officer.”
This means that TSA does not actively look for weed or other drugs when screening passengers or bags, but if they happen to find any during their routine checks, they will hand it over to local police, who will decide what to do based on the local laws and regulations.
Therefore, flying with weed in the US depends largely on where you are flying from and to. If you are flying within a state where weed is legal for recreational use, such as California or Colorado, you might be able to bring up to one ounce of weed or eight grams of concentrate per person without facing any serious consequences. However, this does not guarantee that TSA or local authorities will not confiscate your weed or take action against you.
If you are flying within a state where weed is legal for medical use only, such as Arizona or Florida, you might be able to bring up to the amount allowed by your medical marijuana card or prescription without facing any serious consequences. However, you must also have valid documentation and proof of your medical condition and authorization.
If you are flying between states where weed is legal for either medical or recreational use, you cannot bring any amount of weed legally. This is because crossing borders with weed violates federal law and international treaties. You might face serious penalties if you are caught with weed at customs or immigration.
Therefore, flying with weed in the US is always risky and not advisable. The safest option is to leave your weed at home and buy some at your destination if it is legal there. Alternatively, you can try some other methods of discreetly traveling with weed that we will discuss later.
What happens if you get caught with edibles at Denver airport Reddit?
Denver International Airport (DEN) is one of the busiest airports in the US and the world. It is also located in Colorado, one of the first states to legalize weed for recreational use. However, that does not mean you can fly with weed from or to Denver Airport without any risks or precautions.
According to the Denver airport marijuana policy, “Possession of marijuana and marijuana products on DEN property is illegal under federal law. Marijuana is a Schedule I drug under the Controlled Substances Act. Possession of any amount of marijuana on federal property, including DEN, is a federal crime punishable by up to one year in jail and a $1,000 fine.”
The policy also states that “DEN has a zero-tolerance policy for marijuana possession and use on airport property.” This means that if you are caught with edibles or any other form of weed at Denver airport by TSA or law enforcement, you might face different outcomes depending on the amount and the discretion of the officer. Some possible scenarios are:
- Confiscation of your edibles and a warning
- A fine or a citation
- Arrest and prosecution
To avoid this situation, it is best to avoid bringing any edibles or any other form of weed to Denver Airport. Instead, you can try to consume your edibles before arriving at the airport or dispose of them at one of the amnesty boxes located at the airport entrances1.
If you are curious about the experiences of other people who have tried to fly with edibles from or to Denver airport, you can check out some Reddit threads where they share their stories and advice. However, keep in mind that these are anecdotal and not reliable sources of information. You should always do your research and follow the laws and regulations of the states and countries you are traveling to and from.
Some Reddit threads you can check out are:
Can you fly with weed from California to Washington state?
The answer to this question is technically no, but practically maybe. Weed is legal for recreational use in both California and Washington state, which means that you can possess up to one ounce of weed or eight grams of concentrate per person within those states without facing any legal consequences. However, flying with weed between those states is still illegal under federal law, which means that you might face legal consequences if you are caught with weed by TSA or law enforcement.
The main factor that determines whether you can fly with weed from California to Washington state is the TSA policy. TSA is a federal agency that oversees airport security and flights. According to TSA guidelines, “TSA security officers do not search for marijuana or other illegal drugs, but if any illegal substance is discovered during security screening, TSA will refer the matter to a law enforcement officer.”
This means that TSA does not actively look for weed or other drugs when screening passengers or bags, but if they happen to find any during their routine checks, they will hand it over to local police, who will decide what to do based on the local laws and regulations.
Therefore, flying with weed from California to Washington State depends largely on where you are flying from and to. If you are flying from an airport where weed is tolerated or ignored by TSA or local authorities, such as Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) or San Francisco International Airport (SFO), you might be able to bring up to one ounce of weed or eight grams of concentrate per person without facing any serious consequences. However, this does not guarantee that TSA or local authorities will not confiscate your weed or take action against you.
If you are flying from an airport where weed is strictly enforced or prosecuted by TSA or local authorities, such as San Diego International Airport (SAN) or Sacramento International Airport (SMF), you might face different outcomes depending on the amount and the discretion of the officer. Some possible scenarios are:
- Confiscation of your weed and a warning
- A fine or a citation
- Arrest and prosecution
To avoid this situation, it is best to avoid flying with weed from California to Washington state. Instead, you can try to buy some at your destination if it is legal there. Alternatively, you can try some other methods of discreetly traveling with weed that we will discuss later.
How to discreetly travel with weed
If you decide to take the risk and travel with weed within a state where it is legal for recreational use, there are some tips and tricks that can help you do it discreetly and safely. Here are some of them:
- Use odor-proof bags or containers that don’t look like weed or have any labels or logos that indicate weed
- Use sealed plastic bags or foil wraps to prevent any smell or leakage
- Use edibles , capsules , tinctures , oils , or vape pens instead of flowers, joints , blunts , bongs , pipes , or dab rigs
- Use small amounts that don’t exceed the legal limit for personal use
- Use food items or toiletries that look similar or blend in with your edibles or other products
- Use carry-on bags instead of checked bags if traveling by plane
- Use public transportation instead of driving if traveling by car
- Use online platforms such as BudTrader , Weedmaps , Leafly , Eaze , Nugg , Potlala , Kushfly , GreenRush , SpeedWeed , GanjaRunner , Caliva , MedMen , Harborside , Cookies SF , The Green Cross , The Apothecarium , SPARC SF , Barbary Coast Dispensary , Urban Pharm SF , Moe Greens SF , Mission Organic Center SF , Purple Star MD SF , The Green Door SF , Bloom Room SF , GrassRoots SF , Medithrive SF , Harvest SF , ReLeaf SF , 7 Stars Holistic Healing Center Richmond CA , Garden Of Eden Hayward CA , Blum Oakland CA , Harborside Oakland CA , Magnolia Wellness Oakland CA etc. to find local dispensaries or delivery services at your destination
Traveling with weed is not a simple matter. It involves many legal and practical risks and challenges that vary depending on where you are traveling from and to. While some states have legalized weed for medical or recreational use, it is still illegal under federal law to cross borders with it. Therefore, flying with weed within the US or internationally is always risky and not advisable.
The safest option is to leave your weed at home and buy some at your destination if it is legal there. Alternatively, you can try some methods of discreetly traveling with weed within a state where it is legal for recreational use, such as using odor-proof bags, sealed containers, edibles, capsules, tinctures, oils, vape pens, food items, toiletries, carry-on bags, public transportation, online platforms, etc.
However, these methods are not foolproof and do not guarantee that you will not face any legal consequences if you are caught with weed by TSA or law enforcement. You should always do your research and follow the laws and regulations of the states and countries you are traveling to and from.
We hope this article has helped you understand more about traveling with weed and how to do it discreetly and safely. Remember: be smart, be safe, be responsible!
About the Author
This article was written by Zahid Ameen:
Zahid has a passion for helping people achieve their health and wellness goals through natural and holistic approaches. He has been writing about health topics for over 10 years and has contributed to various online publications.
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Cannabis consumers should be aware on the rules of each places that they want to travel to avoid altercations with the authorities.
Exactly, the government should take steps to make them aware.